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  Made in PSPX2  

Thank you to all who have send their version to me.

You can see them here



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Filters Unlimited 2.0, &<BkgDesigners sf10 II>, Daggers Done - Here

VM Distortion, Radiator II - Here

Alf's Power Grads, Gradient Tiles - Here

AP 01 [Innovations] - Lines, Silverlining - Here

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact, Backlight - Here

VM Toolbox, Rotatile - Here



Tube from Joanie: JeBe_Quality_Tubes



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Unzip plugins and place the folders in the Plugin folder to your PSP program.
except the files from 'Plugin Unlimited 2,0, Background Designers IV' which has to be imported into Filters Unlimited 2.0.


Double click on the Preset 'cas_Joy_Backlight' in your material folder, and it automatically is imported into Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact.


If Plugins do not appear in the PSP program, you can try to import them into Filters Unlimited 2.
Place the Selections 'cas_Joy_1', 'cas_Joy_2' and 'cas_Joy_3' in the Selections file to your PSP program.

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Materials here


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1. Set the foregroundcolor to #4d0b1b and backgroundcolor to #e0c401.
Change foregroundcolor to gradient Foreground-Background:
Open new Image 850x500 pixel - Transparent.
Flood Fill your layer with the gradient.
2. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur:
3. Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - &<BkgDesigners sf10 II> - Daggers Done:
4. Effects - Plugins - VM Distortion - Radiator II:
Layers - Duplicate.
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 60.
Merge - Merge Visible.
5. Keep the fore- and backgroundcolor, but change the gradient:
6. Layers - New Raster Layer.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk.
Find cas_Joy_Selection_1:
Flood Fill with the Gradient.
Selections - Select None.
7. Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur:
8. Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Alf's Power Grad - Gradient Tiles:
9. Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
Layers - Duplicate.
Image - Mirror.
Layers - Merge - Merge Down.
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 46.
10. Layers - New Raster Layer.
Change the backgroundcolor to #ffffff (white).
Flood Fill the layer with the backgroundcolor.
Effects - Texture Effects - Texture:
Find 'Daze':
11. Open Mask 'cas_Mask0413_3' and minimize it.
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image:
Layers - Merge - Merge Group.
12. Layers - Duplicate.
Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Alf's Power Grad - Gradient Tiles like before, but change Tiles to 88.
Layers - Arrange - Move Down.
13. Activate the top layer.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before.
Find 'cas_Joy_Selection_2'
14. Effects - Plugins - AP 01 [Innovations] - Lines - Silver Lining:
Selections - Select None.
15. Layers - New Raster Layer.
Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection from Disk like before, but choose 'cas_Joy_Selection_3'.
Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Backlight:
Under Settings - User Settings choose 'cas_joy_Backlight'
If you want to change the Colors, you do it under Colors:
Push the color you want to change, and then the color box.
Selections - Select None.
16. Layers - Duplicate.
Layers - Merge - Merge Down.
Effects - Plugins - AP 01 [Innovations] - Lines - Silver Lining:
17. Layers - Duplicate.
Image - Mirror.
Image - Flip.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
18. Open the tube 'cas_JoyDeco1'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:
Use Colorize if you want to change the color.
19. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color black
20. Activate the bottom layer.
Open the tube 'cas_JoyDeco2'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
21.  Open the tube 'cas_JoyDeco3'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Effects - Image Effects - Offset:

Effects - Distortion Effects - Pinch - Strength 75%.
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 56.
22. Activate the bottom layer.
Open the tube 'cas_JoyDeco4'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Activate Pick Tool and place it down in the left corner like this:
In the Layerpalette, set Blend Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 50.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.
23. Open the tube 'Joanie_Woman_19-01-2013'.
Edit - Copy, close it down.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Image - Resize 68% - uncheck All Layers.
Move her down to the bottom like here:
24. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color black
25. Open the tube 'cas_JoyText'.
Activate Raster 2.
Edit - Copy.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow:
Color #4d0b1b
26. Activate the text tube again.
Activate Raster 3.
Edit - Copy.
On your image, Edit - Paste as New Layer.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow like before.

Once more with these settings:

27. Move the two text layers down in the left corner like this:
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.


28. Image - Add Borders 2 pixel, color #4d0b1b.

Image - Add Borders 20 pixel, color #ffffff (white).

Image - Add Borders 1 pixel, color #4d0b1b.


29. Image - Add Borders 35 pixel, color #ffffff (white).


Activate Magic Wand and select the outer frame:



Effects - Reflection Effects - Kaleidoscope:




30. Effects - Plugins - VM Toolbox - Rotatile:



Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 30.


Selections - Select None.



31. Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame:





32. Sign your image.

Resize if you want a smaller image and save it.

If you liked my tutorial, I would be pleased, if you tell me. I also would love to see your creation, if you have used other tubes and colors.


If you attach your image, I will reserve the right to put it on my website with your name and link to your website, if you have one, unless you tell me not to.
You can contact me here



Version with other tubes and colors




Thank you Cher for testing my tutorial

Chers version



Thank you Angela for translating my tutorial into Dutch

Angelas version



Thank you Estela for translating my tutorial into Portuguese

Estelas version



You can see others version of my tutorial here